You Can't Leap Over a Mountain

The point is simple: anything worth doing takes time.

That means that you gotta stop beating yourself up for not accomplishing big things right away.

A big aspect of being hard on yourself is expecting to complete major projects in one fell swoop.

But things don't work that way.

Whatever you're doing:

Writing a book.

Running a marathon.

Building a castle to trap a princess in.

It happens with little steps. You have to move step by step, page by page, to your goal. You don't read a book by staring at its cover, just as you can't climb a mountain by jumping over it.

So instead of knocking yourself for not being finished yet, applaud yourself for every step you take. That's how it works. That's the big secret to finishing anything. You move inch by inch, mile by mile, until all of a sudden you're all done.

No one can jump that high.

But you can walk real far.