But I Don't Wanna

We’ve all been there.

There’s creative work to do, and you really don’t want to fucking do it.


Why not?

It seems like everything you do gets lost in the deluge of noise that is our age. No matter what, no one seems to notice how hard you try to share your visions and perspective.

It seems pointless.

It’s not.

I know: why bother if no one is going to see your work?

Because you’re not doing it for them.

You’re doing it for you.

Good work comes through perseverance. It comes from showing up, time and again. That doesn’t mean you’ll always be batting a thousand. Far from it. But what you do is build the fortitude and tools necessary to get really good. You’ll water the roots of your creativity and watch with pride as it sprouts another flower. And if you keep doing this, it’ll bloom so bright that people won’t be able to help but to come and look.

I know: you don’t wanna.

I don’t wanna either.

But the only way to accomplish our goals is to push past that feeling.

I don’t care if it’s a sentence, a brush stroke, or a memorized line. Every step you take towards strengthening your creative heartbeat is a victory. It can be small. It can be only a few minutes of your day. That’s fine. That’s work that wasn’t there before. But you have to accept that “I Don’t Wanna” ain’t a reason to stop.

Show up. Push. Fight.

You can.