You're Here to Be You

There’s an endless cavalcade of advice regarding how you should live your life.

Philosophies, theologies, guidebooks espoused by gurus ancient and current, meant to dictate who you’re supposed to be.

I’m not here to tell ya that any of them are right or wrong.

What I am here to say is that you’re here to be you.

What do I mean?


Beyond the basic tenants of human decency - being kind, empathetic, caring about your fellow human being, etc. - many ideologies branch off into territories that they shouldn’t. Landscapes that wall you within borders of who you’re supposed to be.

That’s where the bullshit tends to begin.

See, whatever is at the center of being - that holy (or mechanistic) mystery, depending on your view point - whatever waits within is your true self. And that truth is the thing that makes you you. If you limit that, then everyone loses. Because being you is a unique and lovely thing. Your individuality is a gem in a endless field, something shining with its own configuration that influences more than you can imagine.

Being you creates new universes every moment of every day.

But you have to be you.

You have to be honest with yourself.

About who you are and what you love.

You can merge that with any philosophy you feel is right for your life.

So long as said philosophy doesn’t tell you that you can’t, I don’t know, collect stamps. Sing karaoke. Make movies. Knit.

Whatever your bag is, you need to carry it.

And so long as you’re not, you know, hurting anyone or actively limiting their freedoms -

Then you’re good.

We good?
