The Pressure to Write Fast

You’ve been there.

Staring at your screen. Going over the same line again and again. Watching time dissolve, and feeling like you’ve gotten nothing done.

Except you have. You made the effort to write. You put words down on the page and organized them in a way that will move your work forward.

It’s easy to feel frustrated - I’m feeling that way right now, after a few hours of only getting paragraphs done.

But it’s not about how much you write. It’s about what you write.

What did you work on? How will it impact your reader? How will it open the door for what’s coming next? The context of what you create is far more important than how much you create.

It’s a beautiful thing when you get in the zone. Flow overtakes you, hours rush by in waves, and you are left with a lot of good work.

But it doesn’t always have to be that way. In fact, it can’t. Sometime you have to slog through metal cobwebs to move inches instead of miles.

And that’s okay. Because you showed up.

Keep writing. The next time you do, the dam may break.